
HIGH FIVE® is Canada’s quality standard for children’s recreation and sport developed by Parks and Recreation Ontario with the support and endorsement of the Province of Ontario.

HIGH FIVE® is based on five principles of healthy child development that are essential for quality programs:

1) A caring leader

2) The opportunity to make friends

3) The opportunity to play

4) The opportunity to master skills

5) The opportunity to participate

Our Commitment to Quality Recreation & Child Care

Jump for Joy is committed to fostering and supporting high-quality programming and services for the healthy development of children. We provide the opportunity to play, participate, make friends and master a skill under the guidance of a caring adult. This is our HIGH FIVE® Commitment to Children.

Our program staff are chosen for their enthusiasm, experience, and strong background in working with children. They create a positive environment that boosts children's sense of self-esteem, fosters friendships, and ensures a safe and enjoyable setting. Our staff undergo extensive training covering child management, effective program planning, risk management, policies and procedures, customer service, inclusion, and support. Additionally, all staff members are certified in First Aid and HIGH FIVE® Principles of Healthy Child Development.

HIGH FIVE® Accreditation

HIGH FIVE® Accreditation is the highest recognized level of quality and safety in children’s sport and recreation in Canada. Jump for Joy is proud to be a HIGH FIVE® accredited organization. Jump for Joy maintains a focus on healthy child development in all aspects of our programming and policies, child care, and daily operations

All of our programming and practices incorporates the Principles of Healthy Child Development and staff use these principles to create inclusive, engaging, and positive spaces for participants.